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3 ‘Nigeria, We Hail Thee’ Out Loud! singers with the most votes on Democracy Day

To participate in the early June recitals, all the contestants had to do was cover their eyes as proof that they truly knew the reentered national anthem lyrics by heart.

There were 17 singers in the contest who showed great potential but only a trio among them received the most votes to make it as the best finalists in the ‘Nigeria, We Hail Thee’ Out Loud!  recitals that ended yesterday 11 June after over a week of non-stop singing – just in time for celebrating Democracy Day.

At the time when the competition kick-started two Sundays ago, the country and its citizens were somewhat in a fix because they had to learn really fast the Independence Day national tune, which reentered circulation on 29 May when President Bola Tinubu signed it into law. Those particularly bothered about remembering were the younger generation who were born a few decades after Nigeria became a sovereign nation in 1960.

To participate in the early June recitals, all the contestants had to do was cover their eyes as proof that they truly knew the lyrics by heart and then sing out loud with passion. And so after 10 days involving, first posting their submissions on their Instagram and then inviting Meiza Nigeria as a collaborator, the final results are out.

ALSO READ: Can you sing ‘Nigeria, We Hail Thee’ out loud in 64secs with your eyes shut?

Your support in the form of IG likes and comments have made this possible for all the contestants, especially those who would be winning the ultimate prizes apart from the publicity that patriotic citizens get.

Now, we have truly certified ‘Nigeria, We Hail Thee’ anthem specialists who will carry their passion into the various communities they belong to all over the country.

To participate in the early June recitals, all the contestants had to do was cover their eyes as proof that they truly knew the lyrics by heart and then sing out loud with passion.
To participate in the early June recitals, all the contestants had to do was cover their eyes as proof that they truly knew the lyrics by heart and then sing out loud with passion.

Although the voting has ended, the singing will never truly stop, will it? On Meiza Nigeria’s Instagram, you will find the metadata and clips of all the contestants that can still be reshared so that this special group of patriots we have all grown fond of will always be remembered for their simple act of believing in a better Nigeria.

Watch Meiza’s YouTube channel, as well as all our social pages for an upcoming documentary that sums up the experience of the past 11 days. Here is wishing you happy surfing while you are at it.

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