
The 7-step ritual that lets your smartphone outlast a year of weak spending

The smartphone now assuming the vital role that water has always been known to play in human lives makes it a member of a top three list of necessities after food.

While the spending power of the average Nigerian smartphone user endures further weakness, it is a no-brainer that they want to keep this valuable up to a period where they can afford a new one.

Especially for the middle class going for high-end products, now, making their phones last a while isn’t a matter of convenience but of financial necessity.

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Until when they can find such an opportunity that heralds a replacement, the smartphone user lives a life where they want to give the AI systems, shiny aluminium alloy and glassy finish giving life to their mobile the longest shelf life through these seven steps.

Over time, your phone's battery capacity decreases – that can’t be helped. But instead of replacing the entire phone, consider changing the battery.
Over time, your phone’s battery capacity decreases – that can’t be helped. But instead of replacing the entire phone, consider changing the battery.
  1. By installing every current updates

Keeping your phone’s software up-to-date is essential. It is the reason why manufacturers like Apple, Google, and Samsung now offer extended software support, sometimes up to seven years. Regular security updates protect your phone from being vulnerable to malice lurking online. A user can check for these updates in the phone’s settings where they can at the same time keep other apps up-to-date.

2. Bodily armour a no-brainer

Invest in a sturdy phone case and a quality screen protector or not? Here is where the user spends money to save money. Phone accessories like the ones mentioned would shield one’s device if it drops accidentally, scratches a rough surface, and against everyday wear. A screen protector is replaceable, so if it gets scratched, your phone’s actual screen remains unharmed.

3. Keep global warming away from the phone

High temperatures can damage your phone’s battery, that is a fact as extreme weather conditions slow down its performance. To get around this, it is incumbent to keep away gadget from direct sunlight and also the inside of a hot car. Similarly, don’t use your phone in freezing conditions for extended periods if you are a resident of hilly Jos in Plateau State.

Until when they can find such an opportunity that heralds a replacement, the smart phone user wants to give a device the longest shelf life possible.
Until when they can find such an opportunity that heralds a replacement, the smart phone user wants to give a device the longest shelf life possible.

4. One soul with several batteries

Over time, your phone’s battery capacity decreases – that can’t be helped. But instead of replacing the entire phone, consider changing the battery. Head to a repair shop to get this fix and you will be doing it for a fraction of the cost, which lets your phone come out of this process feeling new.

5. Make room for new memories

A cluttered smartphone can slow down performance no doubt. Your virtual dial pad may hang during your elevator pitch when it is time to store a phone number and that can make a person feel like they are slacking during action. Regularly delete unused apps, photos, and videos after transferring the classics to a cloud service.

6. Not every app wants to help

Avoid downloading suspicious apps from unverified sources. Malware can harm your phone’s performance and compromise your data. This means you ought to unfailingly adhere only to trusted apps waiting in Google Play or Apple’s app stores.

Keeping your phone's software up-to-date is essential. It is the reason why manufacturers like Apple, Google, and Samsung now offer extended software support, sometimes up to seven years.
Keeping your phone’s software up-to-date is essential. It is the reason why manufacturers like Apple, Google, and Samsung now offer extended software support, sometimes up to seven years.

7. Physically sanitising the phone

It is a fact that dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate in your phone’s ports and speakers so use a soft brush or compressed air to clean them gently. Wipe the screen with a microfiber cloth to treat scratches and previous chemical or food stains.

The smartphone now assuming the vital role that water has always been known to play in human lives makes it a member of a top three list of necessities after food.

Even if the objective for smartphone users is to shield them from unexpected expenses, there is also a benefit to the environment as landfills will be seeing less of those that have been discarded, therefore cutting down on electronic waste.

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