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Where to score more degrees and still keep your job

There are other learning institutions that can equally give you an experience, maybe you will come across those later after seeing this list.

By Faith Ogundoyin

There had always been a virtual way of working and living long before COVID-19. When the local scene in Nigeria experienced the pandemic in early 2020, it brought about a reconfiguration of social activities, including learning. It was the need to get cracking in the educational sector that spurred an immediate emergence of remote schooling, and as a result, busy workers are taking advantage of some ease.

Nowadays, remote learning has been made easy for people to access. They won’t need to waste time holding on to a first degree or a Higher National Diploma so long as there is a thirst to upskill.

If you are planning on taking the next leap of faith to further your education but haven’t yet found time to enroll yourself in a university due to your 9-5 job, there is a way around this. Of course, quitting your current job to start a programme (except for outstanding reasons) is so outdated, so we won’t encourage you to try that.

There’s hope for you as you can always learn at your convenience on platforms that are close to you in Nigeria. These platforms will issue you a certification of completion and the biggest benefit, you get to school for less and, sometimes, for free! All you have to do is to create the time to study online and change that status on your resume now.

Now that the concept of schooling, while you work, has been made simple, let’s get you to six online platforms where you can get a degree at your convenience.

Coursera: The one of the most prestigious online educational platforms available, with courses in Data Science, Arts, Business, and many other courses. Coursera provides a variety of learning programmes, including specialisations and degrees. It offers more than 6,000+ courses for free on a wide variety of subjects for learners of all skill levels. Be mindful that you won’t receive a certificate with a free course, but you do have the option to upgrade at any time.

EdX: It is a mission-driven massive open online course (MOOC) provider. They collaborate with the world’s finest universities and organisations to provide high-quality online courses to learners around the world. Courses include video and text content, discussion forums, and a variety of problem and assessment styles. Click on the course title for additional information or to enroll.

Udacity: It is a global, online, lifelong learning network that connects education to jobs. Udacity collaborates with industry experts to develop project-based online learning programmes. These unique relationships ensure that students obtain the technical skills that employers most appreciate.

Alison: Their courses provide self-paced learning, allowing students to complete courses at their own time and convenience. Learners can access course materials, videos, and quizzes at any time, making it suitable for people who have demanding schedules or fluctuating time obligations. This adaptability guarantees that learners can tailor their learning journey to their specific needs and maximise their educational experience.

Metropolitan School of Management of Business & Management, UK: This one is very popular among Lagos professionals, actually. It is an online platform for business students to obtain a degree at the cheapest rate, sometimes at discounted rates. Obtaining a degree is easy for students because they get to learn at their convenience.

Nexford University: You will know Nexford by the bright yellow identity. It is interested in developing in-demand skills while earning recognised and certified certifications. Nexford redesigned what a modern university experience looks like, tore down traditional campus borders, and developed a new learning environment completely online.

There are other learning institutions that can equally give you an experience, maybe you will come across those later now that we have launched you into several options. Obtaining a degree online is the best thing you can do for yourself especially when you are the busy type.

Now, you can achieve your professional and educational goals in a manner that suits your schedule and can also attract better job opportunities since your CV will be updated and you are better positioned to earn more.

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