
Effective Customer Service is priority of Nigerian Content Roadmap – Executive Secretary

Pictures from the NCDMB 2022 Customer Service Week
Pictures from the NCDMB 2022 Customer Service Week

Delivering effective service to stakeholders of the Nigerian oil and gas industry is a key objective under the implementation of the Nigerian Content 10-year strategic roadmap, the Executive Secretary, Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB), Engr. Simbi Kesiye Wabote has said.

He stated this on Thursday, the third day of the NCDMB 2022 Customer Service Week holding at the Nigerian Content Tower, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. According to him, the Board’s awareness of the important role of stakeholders in Nigerian Content operations is reflected in the dedication of two pillars and one enabler of the 10-year roadmap towards delivering quality and effective service to internal and external stakeholders.

He emphasised that the 10-Year Strategic roadmap, which is now in the fifth year of implementation, has the central goal of increasing Nigerian Content level in the oil and gas industry to 70 percent by the year 2027. “This goal is hinged on five key pillars and four enablers, which are underpinned by various initiatives that will facilitate the achievement of the target,” he said.

Engr. Wabote drew a connection between customer satisfaction, and business profitability and survival, adding that public corporations may not have finances as their focus, yet they are not exempted from promoting efficient service delivery because it builds positive brand image in the eye of the public.

Pictures from the NCDMB 2022 Customer Service Week
Pictures from the NCDMB 2022 Customer Service Week

He remarked that satisfied customers will happily play the role of an organisation’s brand ambassador, stressing that getting customers satisfied is not achieved by wishful thinking or leaving the outcome to chance. He advised that “organisations must be deliberate in setting up systems and processes that will deliver desired outcomes for all to see”.

Providing details on Organisational Capability, one of the pillars of the 10-year roadmap that support efficient customer care to NCDMB’s internal stakeholders, the Executive Secretary said the Board has provided comfortable and conducive office spaces and work tools for staff as well as provided numerous capacity development programmes for staff to meet the standards of the oil and gas industry it regulates. The Board also provided facilities and programmes to enable staff improve their physical and mental fitness, he said.

Regarding the Enabling Business Environment pillar, he said the “Board has worked tirelessly to significantly reduce the aggregated cycle-time of our touch points in the industry contracting process through the careful implementation of Service Level Agreements (SLA’s)”. He asserted that NCDMB is the first agency of government in the oil and gas industry to sign SLAs with industry operators. “Our SLA with NLNG, OPTS, and IPPG includes a 15-day Rule, which states that they could take any request forwarded to us as approved if they do not get any response from the Board after 15 working days.”

He listed other achievements under the Enabling Business Environment pillar to include the creation and operation of the SERVICOM Unit, which has embarked on several initiatives aimed at improving customers’ experience, including the launch of the SERVICOM Charter, setting up a responsive Front Desk Service, and establishing effective lines of communication between the Board and its customers.

He added that the Board has also deployed technology with the adoption of ZENDESK, an innovative platform for managing customer interface channels such as emails, letters, telephone calls, live chats, and physical visitations, hinting that its Customer Service machinery has enabled the Board to handle an average of 1,500 letters, 2,000 visitors, and thousands of emails, phone calls, and live chats every quarter.

On the Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement enabler, Wabote said the Board has embarked on various workshops, exhibitions, and events to showcase its programmes and receive feedback. He listed some of the workshops to include Practical Nigerian Content Forum, Nigerian Oil and Gas Opportunities Fair, Research and Development Fair, Expatriate Quota Management workshop, Sensitisation workshops on Vendor Development Programme, Community Content Guideline workshop, Quarterly NCCF Sectorial Working Group meetings, Workshop for the Judiciary, among others.

He maintained that these customer-focused steps contributed to the Board recently emerging as the BEST MDA in Ease of Doing Business Ranking in 2022, improving year-on-year from 27th position in 2019.

The NCDMB customer service event was attended by representatives from the Office of the Honourable Minister of Information and Culture, the Director-General, National Council for Arts and Culture, the Director General, Bureau of Public Service Reforms, the Special Adviser to the President on Ease of Doing Business and the National Coordinator of SERVICOM Office.

The officials praised NCDMB for exceptional services it delivers to its external and internal stakeholder and challenged other organisations to emulate the Board.

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