
Sisi Bella’s weight-loss products work like magic!

The weight-loss specialist shines the light on the grave consequences of excess fat and how this can be overcome using the wide range of Sisi Bella solutions in this interview with Adeife Adebiyi, CEO of Sisi Bella Organic Solutions,.

Slim Green Coffee displaying the Slim Green Coffee
Slim Green Coffee

Can you please introduce yourself and why did you go into this kind of business?

My name is Adeife Adebiyi, the CEO of Sisi Bella Organic Solutions. We help people to achieve their weight loss goals using natural therapy. I have expertise in the areas of aerobics, herbal therapy, natural therapy, and weight loss therapy and this has become handy in helping people to live healthier lives.

I started the business in 2018 out of the desire to help people in my immediate environment having chronic health issues with the body and belly fat. My dad was diabetic due to excess weight but presently this is under control. Thanks to one of our products, the Slim Green Coffee, which not only helps in losing weight but also reduces sugar cravings. Right from my days in school, I had wanted to help people with health issues. I remember I started with skincare in 2009 as an undergraduate.

How do you manage your online customers?

We have a dedicated team who attends to customers and receives feedback from them regularly. We care about our clients and that is why we keep a vibrant active community in order to attend to their health issues.

Excessive weight gain has been associated with a lot of dire consequences, two of which are high blood pressure and diabetes. How is your brand helping your customers achieve their weight loss agenda?  

Excess body fat or tummy fat can be a causative factor for a lot of health issues such as infections and some other diseases. It’s important to say that toxins thrive in fat and wherever you have toxins, you have all manner of illnesses, diseases, and infections.

Even lumps and cysts thrive on toxins. The toxin is just like flour; when you have flour, you can make chinchin, you can make puff-puff, doughnuts, and buns. Toxins can lead to a variety of health challenges. Toxins thrive in bad fat, which results from excess cholesterol, excess tummy, and body fat. When people lose weight naturally they tend to feel lighter, freer. Losing weight means losing fat and then detoxifying to have fewer toxins in your body.

High Blood Pressure is like the forceful flow of blood, the pressure is increased, and that’s called blood pressure. The rate at which blood is flowing through the veins and the artery is forceful and that can be caused by two things – fat blocking the arteries, the channels, and pathways through which blood occurs as a result of excess fat in the body.

The number one cause of high Blood Pressure is stress while number two is excess fats. When you naturally take care of your weight, your blood pressure is reduced because one of the things blocking the pathway through which blood flows has been freed.  It’s the same with diabetes, which has two types – diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.

Diabetes mellitus is a spike in insulin level. Number one when taking excess carb(carbohydrate ) excess carb is broken down to glucose, glucose is broken down to sugar, and sugar is broken down to fat in the body basically excess sugar not properly broken down to fat will lead to excess sugar in the bloodstream.

Our slim green coffee takes care of excess sugar in the body. That’s why the product is not for people with low blood sugar. Slim Green Coffee is not recommended for people with low blood sugar. If you have low blood sugar, please do not take our slim green coffee. If you have low BP, do not take slim green coffee because what it does is reduce the BP and normalise it.

How is your brand helping your customers to achieve their weight loss agenda?

We carry out periodic social media awareness to sensitise and enhance public understanding of health issues and we can take advantage of natural methods by taking cognisance of what we eat and drink and of course the kind of supplement we take. We do that from time to time and we create different products to meet their different health needs.

What differentiates your brand from other weight loss products that are flooding the market daily?

We are differentiated and that is why we remain the go-to partner when it comes to excess fat-related issues. We care about our people’s well-being. We are not just in the market to sell products. There are many brands that just sell products. They do not create awareness or dish out health tips that are beneficial to people beyond selling products. We are concerned about helping our clients to achieve their health goals beyond weight loss.

 Do your brands have side effects?

We have a range of grains and herbs that are specifically put together to blast excess tummy fat.  They are carefully put together in equal proportion. There are no side effects because it is a natural blend of grains put together to provide a natural weight loss solution.

 Have your brands met the necessary regulatory requirements?

We are presently working on this. We have a trademark, duly registered, and we are committed to complying with statutory requirements and compliance.

 How long does it take to start seeing the effects of weight loss?

Weight loss is not magic, but every three days you should be losing calories and if your metabolism is slow you should be losing something. The least you should lose per week is 1kg.  If your metabolism is too slow, you could lose 3kg weekly or 3.5kg weekly. We have people who lose 4kg weekly. A particular client didn’t finish a pack of the slim green tea because she was losing 4.5kg and she looked so thin she had to give the leftovers to someone since then she has been on maintenance.  That is how slim green coffee works.

It’s safe for everybody except pregnant women and breastfeeders and also people with low BP and blood sugar.  Ulcer patients can only after food.

 Apart from products, are there other ways of accelerating weight loss, and what types of food help to achieve this?

We have meal plans to help people achieve weight loss. You can actually lose weight without drinking tea but I’ve had clients who have done the entire dieting thing. They’ve done exercises but they are seeing little to no result or they want something faster but the thing is God has blessed us with nature. We are so blessed. Everything we need is from nature. The cure for diseases is in nature until science gets to the point we discover herbs to treat diseases.

There is a natural cure for every disease. All we need to do is to discover them.  We have several ways you can lose weight beyond natural means, which herbs are inclusive. What you eat and the quality of what you eat and how often you eat determine how you lose weight. It’s as simple as eating less and burning more. Calories calculation for weight loss is eating less and burning fat. Eat less and be more active. It is as simple as that.

But there are some that even at eating less, they are not burning fat that much because stress even triggers their own weight gain and that’s why they need the tea.

So, there is something for everybody. We have meal plans for all manner of people such as fertility meal plans, ovarian cysts meal plans, hormonal balance meal plans, fibroid meals, pregnant women meal plans, and breastfeeders meals. We have all manner of meal plans to have people achieve what they want through food.

Slim Green Coffee displaying the Slim Green Coffee
Slim Green Coffee displaying the Slim Green Coffee

What is your advice for people who are obese and are seeking faster ways of shedding weight?

The first thing to do if you’re trying to burn fat, either belly fat or body fat, is to detoxify first. You can start with a mild detoxifier. You can detoxify with purified water. Then start a healthy meal plan.  A weight loss meal plan or a fat burn meal plan, get a meal plan and stick with it and if you know you’re finding it hard to stick with a meal plan, count your calories or the portion of your food. If you’re used to taking five wraps of eba, reduce it to one.  Eat a little swallow and more vegetables, or you take a little swallow and protein.

The ratio of food intake for weight loss is a little carbohydrate – on a scale of about 100 you should have 20 percent carbs, 50 percent vegetables or fruits, and 30 percent protein and you are good to go. You will burn fat easily and remain healthy. If you want a faster means of achieving weight loss, get a tea that works. Sisi Bella Slim Green Coffee or Sisi Bella Arabian Flat tummy tea and you will definitely come back with a testimony.

Where do you see your business in the next 10 years?  

In the next decade, I see Sisi Bella Organic Solution having its own standard weight loss establishment and a grand luxury weight loss establishment. I forced the birth of Sisi Bella Weight Loss Centre but I plan to have different services, from running a spa, and a natural hair salon to everything natural like spice shops and a food section for healthy food where meals are tailored to the needs of people who are trying to lose weight, where they can get breakfast and other meals of the day. A physical outlet where you can get all your natural health needs met, from your hair to manicure, aerobics to natural therapy, and munching healthy food and snacks.

We will also acquire machines that are known and tested in the business of weight loss.  Those are things we look forward to in the next 10 years.

 Funke Awodiya is a medical sociologist and creative writer. She lives in Lagos.

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