
So many single women all around. What’s with the holdup?

Instead of hurrying to get hitched, single women are creating a window that focuses on other things that matter.

It is all part of an in-built, nature-driven thirst to find a connection with others and then build a life but the timing to do this is changing for women, especially the millennial in their 30s, who are finding themselves lingering in singlehood compared to their mothers.

The Nigerian global change maker and also a disc jockey, Ifeoluwa Otedola whom music heads recognise as DJ Cuppy, has been caught having an introspection that dreads being alone without kids and having so much liberty.

ALSO READ: Being the best out of Africa like DJ Cuppy

It was on her X profile late evening on Wednesday, 10 January that DJ Cuppy started the conversation. She had the view that living as “a single, childless woman in her [30s] is terrible” but it is possible that she had a tongue in her cheek when tweeting that.

What is a fact is that communities are evolving rapidly and women find themselves living a mind-shift. The world opening up to new ways of reasoning as well as very difficult social situations explains the ongoing reset. However, there are other reasons to show why women are giving life a go all by themselves in this outlook.

Heartbreak Streak – It is a cause-and-effect situation, the way more women in their thirties are swearing off relationships in exchange for perpetual singlehood, although some didn’t set out to live like that – it was a heartbreak event that led them there. Certainly, it is an order of nature the bid to find companionship, but there are also some perks in being alone. For example, the freedom from the associated grief attached to a budding relationship they were hoping would lead to marriage. That gets lost in the aura of living single, so what is next is to focus on character building.

Nurturing their Rizz – To nurture one’s rizz is to build an attractive personality that gets summed up as charisma. So that they have a reply ready in case they are asked about what they bring to the table, there is a focus on women in grooming their careers. Doing that would demand a lot of studying and then comes the sacrifice that singles find themselves making so that they can grow their rizz and stay relevant in the world. Many find relationships a distraction going through this process because there are some things one just has to do alone, like finally getting a business degree.

Every year through a voting system, the Oxford University Press debates candidates for word of the year and chooses a winner.
Every year through a voting system, the Oxford University Press debates candidates for word of the year and chooses a winner.

Healthier Staying Single – Beyond grooming a career are the health benefits of being free like a bird. There is no pressure to round up a fitness session because there is someone rightfully entitled to their time. Being in a relationship means being willing to comply with some of the expectations of our partners. Sometimes, it is alright to be committed but other times it is simply just draining, so do not blame a woman for keeping off.

Post-COVID Reset – Covid-19 might be gone but it is still here as many are still confronting what is known as Long COVID, four years since the pandemic. When cities around the world shut their gates in recognition of a compulsory lockdown, it led to some people locking their hearts too. No woman, be it the Gen Z or millennial grade, had ever lived in a pandemic so being thrown into that suddenly made them see a different way they wanted to be living their life. It inspired other priorities like checking off a bucket list of travel destinations, acquiring skills, and living life to the fullest. These have been part of the post-Covid reset and there is no room for a woman loving a man in there.

ALSO READ: To get out of singlehood for good, Ini Edo must first find a kind man

Despite the new attitudes, not all women want to be single. Right now, a woman is scrolling through Tinder and hoping that a match might find her soon enough.

But until that right match shows up, the current mood is for maintaining a balance and working out a Morgan Stanley and associates’ Rise of the SHEconomy forecast predicting that 45 percent of prime working-age women within the 25-44 bracket will be single by 2030. That sort of world will potentially further close the gender gap when it comes to the benefits that women are least enjoying when compared to men, but there will be a question of what is in it for future population growth.

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