
Weather for Two Movie: 69 minutes too long?


Today’s Wale Adesanya-directed Nollywood drama has fans wondering if it is a plain drama, thriller or a screenplay that highlights the disadvantages of unfaithfulness.

Kolade Johnson (Eso Dike) is a serial cheat to his wife Adesuwa (Tope Olowoniyan). One of his side pieces, Nse (Racheal Emem Isaac), is an assistant to the family lawyer, Amara (Beverly Osu). Kolade’s cheating habits make him begin to slowly but steadily neglect his home. With everything hanging on the edge, there is the issue of Kolade’s father’s will that leaves everything to Kolade’s daughter Kiki but a paternity test must be done to confirm the father of the child. Later on, it is discovered that Kolade is also having an affair with the family lawyer, Amara.

At this point, nothing is really as it seems to be. Chaos unfolds within the Thompson family: lies, betrayal and infidelity lead to deadly repercussions.

Credit: SeriezLoaded NG

Sadly, the bad outweighs the good in the screenplay but one thing it did have working for it is the acting. It is not so poorly executed and it is one thing that keeps viewers going till the very end. Beverly Osu as Amara killed her role as the seductive family lawyer. Eso Dike as Kolade Johnson was not the most impressive role but watching him be hopelessly devoted to his daughter Kiki has a particular charm to it; it is beautiful to watch. Tope Olowoniyan as Kolade’s wife also did great; she managed to pull off the most realistic performance in the entire movie and somehow made the plot believable.

When it comes to the things this movie did not get right, the list is endless. There were so many scenes that really did not have to be there, this had viewers questioning why they are even there at all, almost as if they exist just to get the screenplay up to the one hour mark.

Another major flop is the title, Weather for two. Why is that the appropriate title for this movie? There is absolutely nothing weather-for-two-esque about it. It appears more like the title for a raunchy Rom-Com, not this thriller/drama.

The genesis of the problems in this film are from the script. What was the script writer thinking? The plot seems to be disjointed with a lot of ridiculous twists and turns that add nothing but confusion to the storyline. The screenplay appears to head in no particular direction and has an ending that makes viewers wonder what the entire point of the movie is.

Watch the Trailer of Weather for Two here:


Cinematography on here is sub-par. There is something about this screenplay that is generally not pleasing to the eye. Perhaps, it is the scenes that went on too long? Or the scenes that should not have been there at all? The camera angles? There is a gallery of options for viewers to pick from.

Oh! The flops! They are a lot but through it all Weather for two is an entertaining. Add it to your list on Netflix today.


Didi Dan-Asisah is an art enthusiast and critic. She lives in Lagos.

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