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Which zoo animals have been spotted roaming freely in Maiduguri since the Alau dam-induced flood hit?

The sight of exotic animals strolling through the tarmacs of Maiduguri, once a mere figment of imagination, has become a startling reality.

In the wake of the catastrophic flood induced by the collapse of the Alau Dam, the city of Maiduguri has witnessed an unprecedented event: the sight of zoo animals roaming freely among the populace. This unusual occurrence has been captured in photographs and shared widely, highlighting the extent of the disaster that has affected up to 200,000 residents, forcing them to abandon their homes for higher ground.

The Alau Dam, constructed in 1986, was unable to withstand the pressures of continuous rainfall, leading to its collapse and the subsequent flooding of the city. The devastation, described by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Nigeria as the worst flood in 30 years, has not only displaced humans but also the wildlife from the Sanda Kyarimi Park Zoo, for example, which found itself submerged.

Residents of Maiduguri, who were already grappling with an initial flood situation, are now facing the added threat of wild animal encounters. The sight of exotic animals strolling through the tarmacs of Maiduguri, once a mere figment of imagination, has become a startling reality.

The proximity of these creatures to human habitats has raised concerns about safety and the urgent need for secure relocation for both people and animals.

Among the animals spotted since the flood are several ostriches, known for their speed and distinctive appearance, which have been seen wandering the streets.

Reptiles, including snakes and crocodiles, have also been observed, raising alarms due to the potential human-wildlife conflict. Sadly, a crocodile has been the casualty of that. One was reportedly killed to prevent harm after escaping from the zoo.

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This fresh situation in Maiduguri would serve as a stark reminder of the powerful impact of climate change and the vulnerability of both human-made structures and the natural world. As the city works to recover and rebuild, the images of zoo animals amidst the urban landscape will remain a poignant symbol of the flood’s far-reaching consequences.

The response to this disaster has been multifaceted, with troops deployed to assist in evacuation efforts and temporary shelters established for those displaced. The Borno State government has issued high alerts and closed schools to prioritise safety.

At the same time, discussions around infrastructure resilience and the importance of preparedness in the face of climate change-induced events are being held.

Whilst Maiduguri begins the recovery process, part of the focus is undoubtedly on providing aid to the affected residents and ensuring the safe return of the escaped zoo animals to secure environments.

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